Biotech Core Team-Post Approval Monitoring Group conducts Orientation for Insect Resistance Monitoring of Sentinel Sites

By: Alexis Marie Sagisi

Posted July 19, 2022

On June 6, 2022, The Bureau of Plant Industry Biotechnology Core Team-Post Approval Monitoring Group (BCT-PAMG) conducted an orientation for PAMG Members in preparation for sentinel site monitoring as a compliance to the Insect Resistance Monitoring (IRM) of corn events approved for commercial propagation.

In accordance to the Department of Agriculture Memorandum Circular No. 02, Series of 2014 titled “Enhancing the Insect Resistance Management (IRM) Strategy for Bt Corn Targeting Asian Corn Borer (ACB)” and BPI memorandum issued on May 20, 2019, titled “Guidelines in the Post-Approval Monitoring of Insect Resistance Management (IRM) for Corn Events Approved for Commercial Propagation”, strategies are laid out to delay corn insect resistance, which include the monitoring of the sentinel sites on 40-45 DAP or 70-75 DAP. One PAMG member must be present during monitoring activities with at least one DA Regional/Regional Crop Protection Center technical staff for the data gathering, hence the orientation for BCT-PAMG members is beneficial to help monitors be aware of the objectives and importance of monitoring, forms used, and how to properly identify and record the data of weeds, insects, and plant diseases that are commonly observed on corn plants and sentinel site.

The orientation was held through a virtual set up using the Zoom Online Platform from 9:00 AM until 12:00 NN. Dr. Peter M. Magdaraog, OIC-Head of Biotechnology Office, welcomed the participants followed by the introduction of participants facilitated by Ms. Viola Katherine Gamboa, Agricultural Technician II and BCT-PAMG member. The program then proceeded to the discussion of following topics:

a. Review of BPI Memorandum on the Guidelines in the Post-Approval Monitoring of Insect Resistance Management (IRM) for Corn Events Approved for Commercial Propagation (BPI Memorandum s2019) by Ms. Viola Katherine Gamboa;

b. Major Insect Pests of Corn and Other Arthropods by Dr. Peter Magdaraog, OIC-Head, Biotechnology Office and PAMG member;

c. Identification of Major Corn Diseases by Ms. Russ-Uzi Mayenne Ebora, PAMG Member;

d. Major Weeds Species of Corn Fields by Dr. Lilia Portales, PAMG Vice Chair; and

e. Guide to answering monitoring forms and Final Reminders (Table 3 and 4) by Ms. Darlene Siena, Biotechnology Secretariat Open forums followed each presentation to entertain questions and suggestions from the attendees. Finally, the closing message was delivered by Dr. Lilia Portales. The event was facilitated by Ms. Tracey Mae Cea, Science Research Specialist I and member of the Biotechnology Secretariat.

 Biotechnology Philippines